The minimum requirements of document lifecycle management have been improving since the ‘document lifecycle management’ phrase has been coined. Conventionally, organizations rely on data driven applications. The increase in capabilities enabled by technological advancements has advanced the document driven applications as the differentiator for the organizations for the use of information rather than data.
Enterprise line has all the functionality an organization requires to implement document lifecycle management. It has been regularly updated and upgraded since 1998; naturally going through quite number of major and minor releases. The design goals for this line are availability, compatibility, reliability and scalability while meeting at least minimum requirements of DLM.
Search – and indexing options
Documents are processed in the background to enable easier access to documents. All attributes are indexed. If files stored are image files, they are OCRed and result text of OCR is indexed. Text is extracted from all other documents and indexed.
Users shall perform either a “Smart Search” or a complex search on all the indexed words. The queries can also be created and stored for later use.
Preview – and commenting
The lightweight client has an inbuilt previewer, allowing you to view and comment on many different document types without the original software installed on your machine. Formats include PDF, Microsoft® Word/Excel/PowerPoint, HTML and text files.
• Captures paper from any TWAIN-enabled scanning device or multifunctional device
• Contains a lightweight pptical character recognition (OCR) engine to help index the contents of your documents
• Accepts documents and metadata from other scanning systems
• Shall be integrated with other capture solutions
• Document control
- Check in/out
- Versioning
• Document forms designer
- Dynamic field generator links Enterprise to many ERP and 3rd party systems
• Document workflow
- Distribution Routes
- Delivery Routes
- Approval Routes
• LDAP integration
• Web Client